Thursday, September 17, 2009

Healing in His Hands

Does God still heal today? “Am I tilting at windmills? Grabbing at straws?” Many of us suffer unaccountably, maintain the faith, yet still feel experience the feelings that God is not listening to our cry. Is this an oxymoron, a conundrum? Together, let us sharpen our faith and encourage each other as we seek to help at least one of our sisters in her cry for understanding, peace, and healing.

I recently received an e-mail from a friend asking for encouragement in the faith–for healing. To make certain that I set the record straight before we get started with this discussion, let me begin with my most recent response to her askance for reassurance that God is still at work healing people miraculously. Following is my most recent e-mail response:

I believe—undeniably, irrevocably, totally and completely—that God’s healing continues today just as it did when the woman touched the hem of Jesus robe, when the handkerchief from Paul’s body was touched, when the shadow of Peter fell on people. The gift of healing, like all other gifts, is not revocable; it is here to stay until Christ comes again. What we cannot dictate, never could, is when, how, and why God allows His Holy Spirit to flow into some with healing and not others; why some seem to get partial healing while others complete healing; why some only get grace and peace! We do not “know the mind of God.” Thank goodness—or we would be God—and I can’t handle that responsibility. Can you?”

To give you a little more history behind this question, I am inserting carefully edited portions of my friend’s e-mail and my e-mail responses. My desire is to honor the anonymity of my friend yet allow her voice to be heard by those who have similar experiences with both the question itself– “Is God still healing miraculously today?” and with answering this vital question.

1st e-mail to me (edited): “You have prayed for me, anointed me and generally supported me.  Not too many people I know REALLY believe in healing. Some will pray and say they believe, but most of my praying friends (I think) don’t believe. Maybe that’s my bias.

“[Date given] I encountered two women who were previously and since unknown to me or [to] each other.  One older woman stopped me in Wal Mart to chat and [she] prayed for my healing. Minutes later another woman stopped me and offered a mobility scooter.  It had belonged to her mother who died.  I thanked her and took her number.

“While driving home I struggled with this seeming mixed message. Once back at home I lay down and just prayed/groaned/asked.  I felt a voice say that I would be walking without assistance before my birthday. Well, that was three years and three birthdays ago. I shared this experience with some friends, including my husband. The response was fairly consistent: hesitation then “Oh, that sounds good, we’ll see what happens.” I am not only [not] walking at all now, but am full time in a wheelchair. Can’t even transfer on my own.

“I have searched the Scripture and my head and heart until I feel deaf and dumb.  I have asked, knocked, and sought until I am hoarse, blind, and have bloodied knuckles! Since what I think I heard was obviously not God, I am very hesitant to trust anything else I may “hear.”

“With  six children that God undoubtedly gave me, there is still so much work for me to do. My own grandkids aren’t even here yet!  I really feel like my gifts are wasting away. A home school mom who can’t drive is REALLY challenged to home school. [My husband] does what he can, but he is working 60+ hours a week, PLUS [doing] the dad/husband thing.

“All of this is so sad and depressing. I only see friends who can come over to visit.  God gave me an independent spirit and a mind and body that [at one time] had been able to do just about anything that He put in front of me…

“Now, I’m down to not even doing the very basics. [My husband] has been more than terrific with all that is involved in my being non- ambulatory. Many a lesser man would have left long ago.

“Am I asking too much? Am I missing something? Yes, the need to look at the positive and what I CAN do has been pointed out more than once. Those are far outweighed by what I can’t do and what it costs for me to be maintained. How can it be right for us to spend $200-300 a month on just me, when we have so many other needs?

“Several years ago it became clear to me and my doctor, that pharmaceutical and  conventional medicine was not working for me.  I firmly believe that only God can heal me.  It is such a simple thing, nothing for Him. And I know that He called us to home school  these kids. He also gave me gifts of serving, hospitality and administration.   [Yet,] here I sit.

” Thank you for this opportunity to be heard.  When your [son]told me about you being healed from your chronic pain, I knew I needed to talk to you.  Am I tilting at windmills? Grabbing at straws?”

The following blog will be my response. In this way, you, the reader, can respond to my friend’s questions or to my responses separately. May the Lord bless your day.